Past: Georgetown Waterfront History: From Slave Ships to UNESCO Site of Memory
Friends of Georgetown Waterfront Park will present Georgetown Waterfront History: From Slave Ships to UNESCO Site of Memory, taking place at Grace Church on November, 19, 2019, and featuring Andrena Crockett Historian and the Director and Founder of Georgetown African American Historic Landmark Project, Rector John Graham of Grace Church, and Meg Hardon, President of Friends of Georgetown Waterfront Park.
Friends of Georgetown Waterfront Park is proud to bring this talk on the focus on what occurred in the area before the first slave ship arrived in 1732 traveling through history of the first and subsequent arrivals and the ultimately link to UNECSO’s Slave Route’s Project mission to memorialize, preserve, and educate.
The talk will be held from 6-8pm at Grace Church at 1041 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC. Admission is free.
Full Description:
Georgetown Waterfront History: From Slave Ships to UNESCO Site of Memory focuses briefly on what occurred in the area before the first slave ship arrived in 1732 at North Potomac, currently Georgetown Waterfront Park, and moves to the arrival of the Liverpool Merchant in 1732 and the subsequent voyages’ arrival. The lecture will feature what occurred south of M Street during the 18th and mid 19th century and why as it relates to the enslaved and the waterfront ‘s development. Lastly, the talk links the UNESCO ‘s Slave Route’s Project’s mission to memorialize, preserve, and educate on social cohesion to Georgetown’s promotional and educational efforts to preserve these untold stories of fortitude and resilience.
“As citizens, we enjoy many privileges and freedoms. It is incumbent that each one understands that:
With the Freedom of Speech, comes the responsibility to Listen.
With the Freedom of Belief, comes the responsibility to Accept.
With the Freedom from Want, comes the responsibility to Serve.
With the Freedom from Fear, comes the responsibility to Act.
In our own special way, we all share in ensuring, as with ourselves, each person’s right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness,” states Andrena Crocket.
The talk will be held from 6-8pm at Grace Church at 1041 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC. Admission is free.